ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Stephen Downes | Ruby, Blackboard, and the Challenge for Open Source | Free Software and Open Source Symposium | |
2. | Stephen Downes | Ruby, Blackboard, and the Challenge for Open Source | Free Software and Open Source Symposium | |
3. | CMC Media | CM Today Includes Open-Xchange Deploys Largest Open Source Software Customer Win in History | | |
4. | djpretzel | A Challenge To The Shogunate - ORC21 Source Material | ORC21 | |
5. | CHANDLER, Kerri | Open Source | Computer Games The Unreleased Files: Expansion Pack 0.4 | |
6. | Chris DeBona | Open Source | IT Conversations | |
7. | Clarise, Joseph & Bernard | Why Open Source | Open Source Conversations | |
8. | Python Software Foundation | IP Open Source | PyCon 2007 | |
9. | violet blue | open source sex 16 | open source sex | |
10. | MFG Baden-Württemberg | 05 / Open Source | MFG Innovationcast | |
11. | violet blue | open source sex 16 | open source sex | |
12. | violet blue | open source sex 59 | open source sex | |
13. | violet blue | open source sex #9 | podcasts | |
14. | violet blue | open source sex 17 | open source sex | |
15. | Wesley Fryer | Open Source in IT | Speed of Creativity Podcasts | |
16. | A World of Possibilities | Open Source Science | Open Source Science | |
17. | CCC Erfa Ulm | DR12: Open Source | /dev/radio | |
18. | A World of Possibilities | Open Source Science | Open Source Science | |
19. | Brian Behlendorf | SCO and the Open-Source Community | IT Conversations | |
20. | Robert Lefkowitz | The Semasiology of Open SOurce | OSCON 2004 | |
21. | Bob Sutor | Open Source is Adoptable | Bob Sutor's Open Blog - 2006 | |
22. | April 2004 ETech | Tim O'Reilly on open source | | |
23. | Bob Sutor | Part 3: Open Source | Open Standards vs. Open Source | |
24. | Bob Sutor | Part 3: Open Source | Open Standards vs. Open Source | |
25. | Anne Thomas Manes | Web Services and Open Source | IT Conversations | |
26. | David Patrick | Open Source Renaissance | OSCON 2004 | |
27. | Joe Lucia | Open Source Software | VALE OLS Symposium | |
28. | Stephen Downes | The Metauniversity and Open Source | Open Source for Education in Europe1 | |
29. | Harold J. Johnson | Open Source Schizo | Something that Happened | |
30. | Harold J. Johnson | Open Source Schizo | Something that Happened | |